The brokers we work with are deeply connected to the communities in which they work. They’re advocates; they protect and support their communities; and they actively pitch in when a neighbour needs a helping hand.
It’s in this spirit that Red River Mutual created its community sponsorship program, designed to save and protect beloved spaces in our brokers’ communities.
The Spruce Up Your Story initiative isn’t about bringing a brand-new rec centre or library to life – rather, it will honour and protect the spaces that are well-worn and well-loved – the places where stories are already being made. Our past winners are proof of how important it is to support these spaces.
We’ll fund up to $25,000 in cash for select, well-loved community spaces across Manitoba and Saskatchewan, with $150,000 in total to award. Whether it’s a roof fix on a youth centre, a fresh coat of paint on a park fence, or new seating in an ice rink, Red River Mutual will restore select community spaces where people connect, laugh, learn, and share.
With no limit to the number of communities that can win, we’re committed to ensuring the winning spaces continue to serve their communities for years to come.
The stories in our communities are the ones that motivate great work within our walls. Our Spruce Up Your Story initiative is our effort to strengthen our connection to the communities we serve. We want you to know that we protect and care about you – that we’re like a neighbour looking out for you."
Submit your favourite community gathering space for consideration, via our submission form on Submittable, for a renovation or beautification project before May 31, 2024. Entries will be evaluated based on four pillars: community use, sustainability, opportunity for volunteerism, and a link to a brokerage that partners with Red River Mutual (a broker connection is not mandatory for eligible submission).