Red River Mutual Major Sponsor for 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts
The 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts was held in Altona from January 26-30, 2011.
As the largest curling event ever hosted in Altona (pop. 3800); it required a tremendous effort by the community and Red River Mutual rose to the occasion.
Red River Mutual was a major Diamond sponsor of the event and 13 of our employees volunteered their time as part of the 300+ army of volunteers that made the tournament a success.
When asked about the event Brian Esau (Red River Mutual CEO) said “We see ourselves as the modern mutual and a major part of that distinction is a commitment to give back to the community. Most companies come to the table with dollars…but we encourage both a financial investment and a volunteer investment from our staff in the projects we get involved with. We are very pleased to have supported the Scotties with both a major financial sponsorship and with a large group of Red River Mutual volunteers.”
The event also received support from both local brokers; Prairie Insurance and BSI Insurance. Brad Derksen of Prairie Insurance logged well over 120 volunteer hours as the co-chair of two different committees (sponsorship and social). Following the event Brad said “From our perspective, the Scotties were a tremendous success; we are pleased to support the community in this way”
The Cathy Overton-Clapham team defeated the Chelsea Carey rink to win the 2011 MB Scotties, returning Cathy to the National Scotties Tournament of Hearts for the 12th time.