Red River Mutual & BSI ‘Face Off’ to support the Altona Elks Play Land
March 23, 2016
On Tuesday, February 23, 2016, representatives from Red River Mutual and BSI Insurance Brokers faced-off against each other in a fun hockey game to raise funds to help build the Altona Elks Play Land.
Staff donations were matched by both Red River Mutual and BSI Insurance, which raised a total of $3,000 for the Altona Elks Play Land.
When asked about the choice to support the Altona Elks Play Land Brian Esau, President and CEO of Red River Mutual, said, “It’s great to support a local need right here in our community. The play land will help provide a safe and fun environment for children to play in and this was a fun event to raise funds for that purpose.”
Pictured — Red River Mutual and BSI Insurance Brokers hockey teams.