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Red River Mutual and One Insurance Raise Support for a Cause

On June 9, 2017, Red River Mutual and One Insurance joined together and hosted a Community Barbeque to help raise awareness and funds for the Mount Carmel Clinic.
July 10, 2017

Red River Mutual and One Insurance Raise Support for a Cause

July 10, 2017

On June 9, 2017, Red River Mutual and One Insurance joined together and hosted a Community Barbeque to help raise awareness and funds for the Mount Carmel Clinic.

In total, over $1,400 was raised for the clinic, which aims to enhance the lifelong health and well-being of people from Winnipeg’s North End community. The Mount Carmel Clinic is a non-profit community help center; committed to helping families live healthier lives. Located in the North End of the city of Winnipeg, it offers a wide-range of services addressing the needs of people within the community from child care and mental health to housing and social status.

Pictured – Rob Hamelynck, VP of Underwriting and Broker Relations of Red River Mutual, along with Chuck Wilson, CEO of One Insurance, presenting a cheque to representatives from the Mount Carmel Clinic.