Ste Rose Basketball Court Project

Ste Rose Basketball Court Project

Ste Rose du Lac, Manitoba

In Ste Rose du Lac, basketball is increasing in popularity, and most members of the community love playing the sport.

However, the town’s only full-sized basketball courts are located the school’s grounds, and they have restricted usage during school daytime hours. The courts are also set up for children younger than Grade 6, so the space is small but also in disrepair. Even more, students in Grades 8 – 12 do not have access to any outdoor space at the school during daytime hours.

Renovating the existing basketball courts would give the older youth a place to go during the day on their breaks and make the space more accessible to all community members.

Project plans include:

    • Painting the court surface and adding in painted lines.
    • Installing solar LED lighting, as the course is currently unlit, making it unsafe after dark and limited hours of use. Kids have been bringing flashlights or having parents park cars with headlights shining on the court so they can keep playing.
    • Adding two player benches on the court surface, giving teams a place to take a break and store their supplies.
    • Adding accessible spectator benches and tables.
    • Adding signage.
    • Completing landscaping.

The Ste Rose du Lac school is expecting that this project will encourage older students to stay near the school, with the hope that when that bell rings, students will head back inside for class rather than leaving at lunch because there’s nothing to do on their breaks.

Many communities already use the court, including Laurier, Ste Rose, Ebb & Flow First Nations, Eddystone, Skownan First Nations, Makinak, Ochre River, Rorketon, and McCreary.