Ox Cart Station
Oak Lake, MB
The Ox Cart Station was originally a church. When it closed, the building was gifted back to the rural municipality of Sifton, which then gifted it to the Community Regional Development Board (CDB). The CDB is excited to bring new community and learning initiatives to its residents. In their community space, the CBD plans to offer programming for all ages and demographics. The Ox Cart Station has already begun hosting programs such as Mommy and Me, summer camps, food and safety courses, and a first aid and CPR courses. The space also hosts events, such as the local Winter Festival and Family Fun Day. Local businesses are also using the space for meetings.
The building needs basic repair and modern upgrades, including accessible washrooms, a new sidewalk and ramp, updated signage, a veranda, and new flooring and windows in the main room. Many people in the community still see this building as what it was, and not what it is. Changing the look will allow for people to see the new beginnings and opportunities this building has.