Forrest Community Park
Forrest, MB
Forrest is a small community north of Brandon, Manitoba, which makes volunteerism fundamental to sustaining the community. Forrest has been using its undeveloped greenspace to host community events for several years. There have been Easter egg hunts, hot dog roasts, and most recently, the Forrest Frost Fest was held in the greenspace. Last year, the community was able to add a toboggan hill to the space, which generated a lot of excitement.
Forrest does have a community centre (including a rink), but it’s only operational in the winter months, and the only playground available is at the elementary school across a busy highway, which is inaccessible to most children in Forrest.
The community is developing the greenspace further to include natural playground elements, including a rock climbing wall, a balance beam, logs, a slide, zipline, monkey bars, and a swing set. There will also be a picnic area with a pergola and firepit, and a multisport court that will appeal to all ages. The landscape design for the project includes a beautification component where trees, shrubs, and grass will be planted. Signage, waste and recycling bins, and lighting will also be added.